Substance Addiction

How we can help


At Mana, our approach to treating addiction is to balance the “why” and the “how”. Our central philosophy is to inquire about the roots of addiction to gain awareness around the addictive process. In other words, it’s not about why the addiction, but why the pain. Mana therapists will also help teach our clients the tools and strategies necessary to achieve and maintain sobriety. Often, therapists can get bogged down in the trauma story and achieve little progress in present day recovery, or rigidly focus on recovery behaviors without creating awareness around the origins of addiction. At Mana, we balance these two very important approaches into a more holistic recovery process for our clients.


Am I Really Addicted?

In a world where addictive behaviours are normalized and minimized, for some there comes a moment behaviors and habits are self-destructive and harmful. This moment of introspection may lead to the uncomfortable question: "am I really addicted?" Substance use disorder, is a chronic and relapsing condition characterized by the compulsive use of substances despite negative consequences. While it may start as occasional or recreational use with friends, addiction can gradually take hold, leading to physical and psychological dependence.

Signs of Addiction

  • Loss of Control: One of the hallmarks of addiction is the inability to control substance use. If you find yourself repeatedly using more than you intended or unsuccessfully attempting to cut down, it may be a cause for concern.

  • Prioritizing Substance Use: Addiction often leads to a shift in priorities, with individuals dedicating an increasing amount of time and resources to obtaining and using substances, even at the expense of relationships, work, or personal well-being.

  • Cravings and Obsession: Persistent cravings and obsessive thoughts about using substances can be indicative of addiction. If the desire to use becomes overwhelming and difficult to resist, it may signal a deeper issue.

  • Tolerance and Withdrawal: Developing a tolerance, where increasing amounts of a substance are needed to achieve the same effects, and experiencing withdrawal symptoms when not using are strong indicators of physical dependence, a common aspect of addiction.

  • Continued Use Despite Consequences: Perhaps one of the most telling signs of addiction is the continuation of substance use despite experiencing negative consequences. This may include health issues, legal problems, damaged relationships, or financial troubles.

  • Using to Manage Emotions/Stress: Another key aspect of addiction is the intolerance of negative emotion. Substances can be a powerful, but unhealthy, way to numb difficult emotions. This can lead to a reliance on substances to shift states instead of learning healthy emotional regulation skills.

To further explore the possibility of substance addiction, consider asking yourself the following reflective questions:

  1. Do I use substances to cope with stress or difficult emotions?

  2. Have I unsuccessfully tried to cut down or quit using substances in the past?

  3. Do I find myself thinking about using substances?

  4. Have others expressed concern about my substance use?

  5. Do I use substances as a way to escape from problems or reality?

Remember, seeking help is a sign of strength, and there is a path to recovery for those willing to take the first steps toward a healthier, substance-free life. Mana will help get you on the road to recovery.